Friday, August 14, 2009

Bridal Photo Preview (unofficial reveal)


  1. hahahaha....u looked funny :-p
    but anyway, the photos very nice ^^
    Yoann Shin very LENG


  2. +Oh, luv the 6th n laz pic most, hehe, a word juz came 2 my mind, distant can't tear us apart, ur bride look so different, no wonder they say a woman look best in her wedding gown, not that she's not beautiful, she is, but this is astonishing..^^
    +I'm not flattering*Ahem...

  3. hahaha, my sis doesn't like the last pic. hahaha

  4. +I noe, she told me, there's nvr gonna be ppl liking the same thg, we all hev different views, so I'm rly no fan of critics who does it 4 a living, coz we are all critics in our own way.
    +Oh, a black wedding gown, y din I notice that, haha, cool one.

  5. you are right. some ppl love to criticize even when they don't know nothing about it. so just live in your own way...

  6. +Haha, yea, I luv 2 complain about the food I eat even though I duno how 2 cook, who r we 2 judge eh? =P

  7. yes, because your ground is your expectation. so you judge on that basis
